Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Lets Do This!

I am closing a chapter this week and starting a new one. For the last 12 years I have been a teacher and this is my last week. It has been a nice ride but I am ready for something new. Since the ripe ole age of 15 I have been gainfully employed and now, 21 years later, I will wake up Saturday morning without a job. My paychecks run through the end of July so I am sure the panic will set in around August 1st. The teacher retention rate these days is 4.6 years, or so I hear, so I feel quite accomplished at 12. As I start this new phase as a housewife (are they even called that anymore) and (finger's crossed) freelance writer, I feel as though I am free again to be me. Yes, I hear the song in my head as I type that. I have an undergrad in Journalism which I am still paying for so I might as well get some use out of it 14 years later. So cheers to the next chapter! I feel excited and full of renewed energy and excitement I haven't felt in quite a while.

As not to bore you with my personal life, here are a few things I am obsessing over these days. 

1 - Jen Lancaster...what can I say? Love her, love her, love her! She is brassy, sassy and balls to the wall. I love her and this is my online plea for her to be my best friend. Read her books, visit her blog and now you can actually buy her custom painted furniture.
Jenn Lancaster

2 - Pretty much anything that looks like it would have been at my grandmother's house. Like these gems below.

Grandma Stuff

Kitchen Timer

Kitchen Fabric

3 - Anything Green, always

Green Chair

Wall Paper

Bird Cage

Mason Jars

Le Creuset


And I always like to throw some music in which I don't think you can see on an iPad for some reason. Will look into that. Here is some good Summer-is-upon-us music.