Wednesday, July 31, 2013

You don't want me to like your show.

I have the magic touch. If I love your show, it will be cancelled. If your show is intelligent, involves real talent, is quick with the wit, or thought provoking, I will somehow make sure it is cancelled just by calling it one of my must-see shows. I have somehow jinxed THREE this year, a record for even me. So, I bid adieu to my three favorite shows this season that I have somehow, from my little bungalow managed to destroy.

-Happy Endings-
I have posted about this one before. I think this is one of the funniest shows that has ever been on. I loved the humor and overall silliness of this group. Steak Me Home Tonight....come on! Love it! It was, in the words of Penny, "amahzing".

The talent alone on Smash cannot be compared to any other show out there. It was original and the musical numbers were outstanding. It could get a little campy here and there but it was still such a great show. At least I can still listen to the music thanks to iTunes.

Just caught wind of this cancellation. I was holding out hope that maybe this one would stick around. Another show filled with amazing talent. The writing was brilliant and the cast was so talented in not only acting but dance. It was fun to watch and made me want to be a ballerina at the tender age of 36. Interesting fact, the lead in this show, Sutton Foster, was once married to one of the leads in Smash, Christian Borle. Both Broadway darlings.  This show was just a joy to watch.

This was quite a while ago but my ULTIMATE "I love this show" cancellation still remains...

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tatutina - Eat In or Take Out

I have been married a little over 11 years and I have always loved, among other things, my cute little recipe box. I picked it up with a when I was registering at a local gift shop, Babcock Gifts. After all these years I decided to pick it up the other night to see who made it and see what else they have available. It was made by Tautiana out of Rhoode Island and they actually still have my same recipe box available along with some other cuties.   Another thing I loved when I thumbed through their site is that they have recipe boxes for the domestic diva or take out boxes for the un-domestic diva. 
Love it! 

The take out menu boxes would be such cute housewarming gifts filled with neighborhood menus.

They also have some fun and bright items for the kiddo in your life such as bookends, desk caddys, jewelry boxes, memory boxes, etc.

Friday, July 26, 2013

A New Way of Thinking

I saw this on Pinterest a while back and it has really stuck with me: 


I have a feeling we all need to hear this. A lot of us seem to have this "pin" it now do it later mentality. Obviously not just with Pinterest but with jobs, health, home, friends, etc.  I honestly have to remind myself of this every day because I look ahead so much. I printed this out and posted it on my bulletin board in the kitchen and I suggest you do the same. Life just happens to way too many people and it is sad to see. Luckily, I am such a dreamer that I don't fall in that category but I do put things off way too much. For example, that bib that I made and posted a little while back...still haven't sewn a button on it so little man can actually use it. I also have a door that was sheetrocked up in my hallway something like 3 years ago that I just got around to painting. 
So, my advice to you is get out there and DO IT. Whatever "it" may be that you have been thinking about for days, months or years.

On a lighter note - here is the song I am obsessed with at the moment. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

But I don't want to go to Zumba.

This is me talking myself into going to Zumba tonight.


If you have never been it is totally fun and worth it. It is a like talking a hip hop dance class. Check it out in your area! (p.s. No one in my class looks like the girl in the picture. I think those girls go to Pure Barre.)

I take a my local Kroc Center. If you have one in your area I highly recommend joining. 
It's "so choice". 

Update - I didn't do Zumba but I did do the elliptical. Wow, I haven't worked out in a very long time and things have apparently changed. Gym machines have come a long way since huffing and puffing while rocking out to Hippie Chick on your Walkman. I was able to surf the web and watch a plethora of TV channels on this awesome elliptical. I might MIGHT be hooked. Wednesday night is my work out night. Hopefully I will keep the momentum going and get this toosh into shape while watching the boob tube. If I can get into after picture shape someday I might throw in a before pic too.
Stay tuned.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The calming influence of P. Allen Smith

P. Allen, I just love saying his name. If you have every watched P. Allen on PBS you know what I mean when I say, just watching him relaxes me. His calm voice and demeanor along with his amazing gift for floral, garden and home design are a prefect blend. For today, I am going to share 2 P. Allen things. First his home and second his virtual makeovers. I'll start with the house. 

P. Allen's Garden Home is located in Arkansas and is not only a beautiful home but also has extensive gardens, an orchard, a one acre vegetable garden, a conference center and they also raise sheep and heritage poultry. The home is available for tours and twice a year they do a garden to table dinner with chefs from around the country. I must make the trek over. Luckily for me it isn't terribly far! Rather than show picture after picture, here is video that gives an overview of the home. Pardon the commercial that will probably pop up at the beginning.
It is worth a look for the sleeping porch alone! 

Now, the next thing. I have the ugliest back yard known to man. In many old neighborhoods neighbors share driveways. I happen to be one of those neighbors. So, two factors make for the ugliest back yard known to man. First, the shared driveway forces you to park in the back. Second, I have a very small lot so the back yard is basically just for parking. To make matters worse, somewhere along the way, one of the home's past owners tore down the original and probably charming garage, put up what can only be described as what you park boats under at the lake and paved the majority of the yard. They actually fill all the unpaved spots with white landscape rock but I have spend the better park if 5 years getting those out little by little and sodding. I won't even post a pic today, it is just way too ugly after viewing P. Allen's gorgeous home. How does this tie in to P. Allen? Well, on one of his shows he has a segment where people get virtual makeovers for their homes/yards/landscape. Mine is so bad, that I am sending a picture in. If I get chosen I will be brave enough to share my pics. I need yard advice and P. Allen is the guy to do it!

If you don't know P. Allen here is the run down from his Web site:
P. Allen Smith is an award-winning designer, gardening and lifestyle expert. He is the host of two public television programs, P. Allen Smith's Garden Home, P. Allen Smith's Garden to Table and the syndicated 30-minute show P. Allen Smith Gardens.
Smith is one of America's most recognized and respected garden and design experts, providing ideas and inspiration through multiple media venues. He is the author of the best-selling Garden Home series of books published by Clarkson Potter/Random House, including Bringing the Garden Indoors: Container, Crafts and Bouquets for Every Room and the recently published cookbook, Seasonal Recipes from the Garden inspired by the abundance of food from his farm and a family of great cooks.
 (Ya'll know I like to cut and paste that kind of info rather than re-writing it for no reason.)

Here is is site so you can get you P. Allen fix any time.
Update: Apparently the virtual makeover is for front yards and not back yards. Mine isn't too shabby but I might still send it in. Here is THE bungalow.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Funny or Die: Fenemies

Don't lie, we've all got them. Frenemies! Down here in the South we talk about these people by using phrases like "she's sweet" or "bless her heart". I have always lived in this odd/wonderful little slice of the world  but we aren't super southern here in Memphis like you see on TV versions of the south. Thank God! Although, I do use those two biting phrases (and yes I say ya'll). Back to the point....we are talking frenemies today! These are a few videos that make me laugh from Eliza Coupe. One of my favorite gals from the now cancelled (don't even get me started) Happy Endings. Take a look and have a laugh. You know it is all true. Oh, and pardon the language. Bless your heart, I hope it doesn't bother you.  

And for the cheap seats in the back, a little more of my gal Eliza from my favorite show Happy Endings!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Blogroll: Five of my Faves

Although I don't have a lot of time to read blogs, I love to save them on Pinterest so (in 18 years when little man goes to college) I can read them all. Once I find something I like I want to share it with everyone, hence my own blog. I will share just a few today and some more in a few weeks when I have more than 15 minutes to sit down. 
 Enjoy and Happy 4th of July to my fellow Americans! 

 Not Your Average Mom
This is a "mom blog" but she is hilarious and 
doesn't even pretend to be perfect. 
We need to be friends!  

Hooked on Houses
The title says it all! This blog shows great before & afters, celebrity homes 
and beautiful listings from around the country.

Another lady that cracks me up. 
This blogger tests things she sees on Pinterest. 
Some work out...some do not.

Young House Love
Cute and very creative family that are great a remodeling homes. They do it all on their own and the finished product is beautiful.
 I think they are on house #3 at this point.

Smith, Here!
Cute cute cute Morgan Smith blogs about her life and travels. 
Some of you might remember her from the show Laguna Beach. 
Just a fun blog to follow.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sew Excited!

I spent last Saturday at a local sewing shop, Sew Memphis, and they were patient and kind enough to help me go from reading a pattern to actually making something. I must say, once you start it can easily become an addiction. I just feel it! 
Here is my sweet little bib for my little man. 

If you have a local sew shop please don't hesitate to use their expertise! Below is the one I used in Memphis along with some other shops around the U.S. 

Sew Memphis
Memphis, TN

The Sewing Room
Birmingham, AL

Marguerite's Sewing School
Nashville, TN

The Stickin Post
Little Rock, AR

Portland Sewing
Portland, OR

Seems Sew Easy
St. Louis, MO

There are many more! Just Google "sewing classes" and your city. 

Along the lines of sewing, one of the most fun aspects is picking the fabric. 
I have found some good ones lately! 

 Tree Shopping
Hawthorne Threads

Manifold Mugs
Hawthorne Threads

Retro Roadsigns
Hatwthorne Threads

Busy Cook
Hawthorne Threads

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Vintage Bird Cages


Mid-Century Modern Dandelions

Fashionable Fabrics

Food Trucks
Fashionable Fabrics