Thursday, August 28, 2014

Late to the game!

There might not be any reason for suggesting this book to you all because I think I might be only person who made it through high school in America and never read this! Chances are that it was either never assigned to me or I just didn't read it if it was. Either is possible. Anyway - I have recently started To Kill a Mockingbird. Yes, only person in America, and probably beyond, that waited 37 years to read it. What a phenomenal book! I am about 50 pages in and have loved every second of it. Jem just got his pants uncaught from the fence and I can't wait to see what happens next. After finishing this iconic piece of American literature I plan to watch the movie which I hear is equally as good. So - Here are links to both in case you want to pick up a copy for your own. You can buy them here, at your local bookstore or check them out at your local library. 

Now my next "late to the game" item. Carole King's Tapestry! I picked up an old copy of this record at a local music shop. I am not saying anything original here but EVERY song on that album is a hit. Every song! It is a glorious record that is worth the purchase. I suggest getting the record if you have a record player but if not, just get your hands on it in any form your can. Fabulous! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tonight, On a Very Special Blossom

No, I am not 13 years old. Yes, I am aware it is not 1991. 
Now that I have cleared that up I must share with you that I have fallen back in love with Blossom. The HUB has just started showing this ode to the 90s weeknights at 9 (CST) and 9:30. (Excluding this week because it is Dog Week.....whatever) I tune in every night or DVR it for the next day and have enjoyed almost every episode (excluding "Student Films").

When you watch a show at 14 and then again at 37 you pick up on so many things you missed as a young teen. Blossom is still awesome and completely independent, Joey is hilarious and Anthony is so dry and sarcastic in the perfect way. What I have said over and over as I watch it is...I just really holds up. It isn't like going back at 37 to watch an episode of Alf, which I loved at whatever pre-teen age but can't stomach now.

I was about the same age as Blossom and Six when the show came out so it is a glorious trip down memory lane for me. One of my favorite things about this time and that duo is that they had no cel phones. They sat in Blossom's room, talked, danced to tapes or Top 40 on the awesome Sharp QT 50 and just had fun. Maybe calling a boy on the land line (which was just called a phone back then) every once in a while. It really was like that! Random though but here is another little thing that I didn't notice quite as much then as I do now - Joey was hot!

I follow Mayim Bialik on FB and she has clearly become academically and professionally very successful. There seem to be a lot of parallels to character of Blossom and how Mayim really is, intelligent, bold, confident and thoughtful. It is very interesting to see the actors that played the main characters have all grown up. Each has become successful in their own ways. I will list their individual sites, twitter, imdb, etc so you can catch up with them at the bottom of this post. 

So, if you love the 90s like I did or even if you just love a well written sitcoms check out Blossom on the HUB

Update -  The above information pertains to season 1 & 2, maybe season 3 here and there. After that...not so much. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Stitch Fix Box 2

I am into month #2 of Stitch Fix. So far so good! This box was equally as fun and cute. I ended up keeping 2 items this month. The earrings and the solid blue/green sleeveless shirt.  Everything fit well and while I didn't love everything they weren't way off my personal style. One thing I really liked this month was the personal note from my stylist. You always get a personal not but she (Joy) had clearly been looking at my Pinterest Fashion board (here) and had used it as a reference. Overall I was pleased and I am looking forward to next month's box. Here is the run down:

Of course, as I am posted this picture I noticed that the stylist didn't take the last girls name of her note. I am not Kelsey. :-) 

If you are interested in checking out Stitch Fix I encourage you to use my reference link. 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

I am just being "Honest"

I purchased 3 items from the Honest Company a few weeks ago at Target. For me, buying things like this is like shopping at Whole Foods. It makes me feel like a better person. Obviously, I am exaggerating but it does make me feel good for sure! Like I am doing something right for my family! I also purchase things like this because if you start reading all these blogs, articles, etc about what all we unknowingly use on a daily basis, it will scare the shit out of you. So my reasoning for purchasing this was two-fold. I will review each over time as I really use them. 
My first review is of the hand soap. Here is the rundown:

Smell - Love it! They weren't lying when they named it Lemongrass. It has a semi-strong smell that fades pretty quickly which I think is good because you don't want to smell like perfume after washing your hands. The also have Lavender and Mandarin if you don't like Lemongrass.

Texture - One of my favorite things about this product is the light and almost silky texture. It isn't gloppy and thick like so many other hand soaps. 

Packaging - Cute! Why even mentioned packaging? If you are going to have something sitting out on the counter it might as well look good.

Overall - I give it an A! I am not giving it an A+ because I am trying to figure out if it is a little drying to the skin. I switch between the kitchen sink which has Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day in Honeysuckle and the bathroom sink which has Honest. So the jury is still out on the aspect of skin drying. 

As a side note - the only soap I have ever used that does not dry out at all is L'Occitane Shea Butter Ultra Rich Hands & Body Wash. But - it probably has all the stuff in it that Honest doesn't. So you decide.