Monday, March 24, 2014

Shermer, Illinois 60062

How was this 30 years ago today? The older you get the faster the time goes by. The Breakfast Club is highly quoted between my brother, David, and I. We were actually texting quotes to each other just a few minutes ago. John Hughes had such a gift for capturing a snapshot of time. The 80s had their cruddy parts but overall they were great! I was a kid and loving every minute of this amazing decade. It was the last decade of actual childhood. We didn't have computers, 300 channels, gamers (unless you count Dungeons and Dragons), texting, snapchat, selfies,  etc. You still went outside after breakfast and didn't come back in until dinner. Like me, I am sure you can still remember the excitement of hearing the ring of the ice cream man coming up the street as you tore through the house searching for loose change. I am the queen of nostalgia and John Hughes movies take me back to a simpler time. Yes, at this point, the 80s can honestly be called a simpler time. So, today (and always) I salute the brain, the athlete, the basket case, the princess and the criminal as I take a trip down memory lane to that legendary day of detention. 
March 24, 1984. Shermer High School, Shermer, Illinois. 60062

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oh Spring, How I Have Missed You

Welcome Spring! It is a mild sunny day here and I am just itching to get outside. It never gets terribly cold or icy here but I look forward to Spring like I have been in Alaska for months. The new bungalow has a small but lovely back yard with lots of room to garden and play. The current bungalow has what I like to refer to as a parking lot. We share a driveway so we have to park in the back. I am over the moon to have some grass and flowers and I can't wait to get my hands in the dirt.

Old Yard:

New Yard:

We also have a plethora of rose bushes which I know nothing about so that will be one of my summer projects. Until then - Here are some gorgeous gardens and yards that I have found around the web that are dreamy and a jumping off point for ideas. 

If you need the links for these you can find them on my Pinterest Outdoors/Flowers board.

You know I love my music so I though I'd share a song/video that always makes me think of Spring/Summer. The colors and landscapes make me think of warmer days. Plus, I love my girl Sara B (or Say-ruh as we call her in the bungalow).

Monday, March 17, 2014

Gone but not forgotten and HAPPY

I am about to gear the blog up again. We are moving from "life in a bungalow" to life in a slightly larger bungalow next week. I am also closing one chapter and starting another.
It just makes me "HAPPY".